Wednesday, May 12, 2004

bad boy, good car

I drove like a maniac today to get mom to the Railway station. She had to catch the 9:50 a.m. train to Bangalore. What I didn't do was take into consideration morning traffic through a metro construction route. I spent the next one hour speeding, honking, criss-crossing, shuttling over the yellow line and jumping a stop light. All the while I had one thing on my mind- if mom missed the train, there'll be no end to me hearing about this FOR LIFE. For the first time she sat silently throughtout the stretch; probably saving it up for the event of missing the train! I topped the cake by parking badly and skipping the platform ticket.
We sprinted through the station to reach the third platform. The train moved 1 minute after mom got into the compartment. My sweetie 800 saved my life today. Kisses to you, babyjaan. For being a bad citizen, I'll make up for it someday.
Here I am, wondering how I pulled it off without a scratch on my baby or me. Next time you see a bad driver on the road, don't cuss at the machine, blame the driver.

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