Monday, June 25, 2012

Chasing an evolving dream

I woke up to a Blackberry wake-up tone called 'Evolving Dream'- a 30 second tone. I was also dreaming at that time. The entire sequence played out like an ad in animated frames on a white plate. The plates kept getting bigger, denoting the meal we earn every day, our growing salaries and aspirations. The ad was about people exasperated over failing projects. All the projects were simulated by their HR training wing. Towards the end, the 'failing subjects' were shown the sequence in which they could see themselves, all recorded and edited. The frames had messages that changed as per the stage everyone was in. I watched this sequence while the alarm got louder in a loop. It played till I woke up.

Waking up to sounds as part of the dream is a common occurrence, with the sounds enmeshed in the dream, inseparable, like a theme. But sometimes it amazes me that the mind can cook up a dream, a string of images so quickly with the sounds that play at that time in the morning. So the duration of the dream was no longer than 30 seconds and the detailing was way too much to recall. This writup is just an overview. How I wish a gadget could record the visuals that play in the head. There's a treasure cove sitting there.

Chasing an evolving dream

I woke up to a Blackberry wake-up tone called 'Evolving Dream'- a 30 second tone. I was also dreaming at that time. The entire sequence played out like an ad in animated frames on a white plate. The plates kept getting bigger, denoting the meal we earn every day, our growing salaries and aspirations. The ad was about people exasperated over failing projects. All the projects were simulated by their HR training wing. Towards the end, the 'failing subjects' were shown the sequence in which they could see themselves, all recorded and edited. The frames had messages that changed as per the stage everyone was in. I watched this sequence while the alarm got louder in a loop. It played till I woke up.

Waking up to sounds as part of the dream is a common occurrence, with the sounds enmeshed in the dream, inseparable, like a theme. But sometimes it amazes me that the mind can cook up a dream, a string of images so quickly with the sounds that play at that time in the morning. So the duration of the dream was no longer than 30 seconds and the detailing was way too much to recall. This writup is just an overview. How I wish a gadget could record the visuals that play in the head. There's a treasure cove sitting there.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Oakley glasses and stuff

A colleague of mine is majorly into big brands and stuff- be it Apple products or beer. He wears Oakley glasses and since I don't wear spectacles (yet), This wasn't a biggie for me. What got my eye though was the finish and quality of the product, which was impressive and clearly stood out from regular glasses. I happened to carry my camera bag so I took a few glam shots of the piece on our desk itself. This pair is featured in the May 2012 edition of 20/20 mag and its called Crosslink.

Oakley glasses and stuff

A colleague of mine is majorly into big brands and stuff- be it Apple products or beer. He wears Oakley glasses and since I don't wear spectacles (yet), This wasn't a biggie for me. What got my eye though was the finish and quality of the product, which was impressive and clearly stood out from regular glasses. I happened to carry my camera bag so I took a few glam shots of the piece on our desk itself. This pair is featured in the May 2012 edition of 20/20 mag and its called Crosslink.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Old photograph

I had a small get-together to attend today in the evening. It was the baptism of a friend's daughter. Later, there was a dinner party and my friend handed me his DSLR, expecting me to take decent pictures to cover the evening. While I was happily clicking away and sometimes discussing with him the features of the camera, another elderly family friend was showing around a photograph of herself holding a small girl. That got my attention. The picture happened to be 35 years old and the little girl she held turned out to be my sister-in-law. I was immersed in it myself as I mentioned that my sister-in-law as a litte child looked exactly like her 3-year-old daughter(my niece) who was scampering around the hall. The elderly aunt was so proud of having preserved the fading picture.

This is the power of traditional photography. The memory is held onto forever. It stays in wallets and albums, always waiting to be showed off. I just cannot see today's so-called 'evolved' photography and equipment delivering and living up to this simple yet powerful moment. In fact this evening made me rethink my decision of upgrading my camera. Was a bigger megixel camera any more important than the moment? Nobody was wondering which camera was used 35 years back. It was the captured people and moment that mattered.
I figured we are all losing a grip on what's really important. We crave for gadgets but don't know what to do with it. Cameras are meant to capture people; cell phones are for connecting with people, but seldom do we realise the core use of these things. We brag about owning them. That's all.

Old photograph

I had a small get-together to attend today in the evening. It was the baptism of a friend's daughter. Later, there was a dinner party and my friend handed me his DSLR, expecting me to take decent pictures to cover the evening. While I was happily clicking away and sometimes discussing with him the features of the camera, another elderly family friend was showing around a photograph of herself holding a small girl. That got my attention. The picture happened to be 35 years old and the little girl she held turned out to be my sister-in-law. I was immersed in it myself as I mentioned that my sister-in-law as a litte child looked exactly like her 3-year-old daughter(my niece) who was scampering around the hall. The elderly aunt was so proud of having preserved the fading picture.

This is the power of traditional photography. The memory is held onto forever. It stays in wallets and albums, always waiting to be showed off. I just cannot see today's so-called 'evolved' photography and equipment delivering and living up to this simple yet powerful moment. In fact this evening made me rethink my decision of upgrading my camera. Was a bigger megixel camera any more important than the moment? Nobody was wondering which camera was used 35 years back. It was the captured people and moment that mattered.
I figured we are all losing a grip on what's really important. We crave for gadgets but don't know what to do with it. Cameras are meant to capture people; cell phones are for connecting with people, but seldom do we realise the core use of these things. We brag about owning them. That's all.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Beer and dimsums!

The hot, diabolical Delhi weather layered with scorching angst at work was burning us out. We would either explode with expletives or could cool it off elsewhere. Since we like to think of ourselves as grown up mature people, we decided not to create a nuisance by cribbing about things outside our control. At noon, we had a better idea to get lunch from somewhere else, away from the workplace. There's a really nice place in Gurgaon called The Monk, part of the Galaxy hotel next to 32nd Milestone- a family resort on National Highway 8.
On our way, we picked up two pints of the grainy, natural tasting Hoegaarden. It was more of my colleague's favorite than mine. But now after 3 pints over the last torturous, 45 degrees celsius+ week, I'm just beginning to see hope in beer.

We reached The Monk at lunch time, so all the seats were taken. Since we were clearly not on a date, we decided to take the bar seats, facing the kitchen. We ordered something called the 7 spices dim sums- 6 pieces served in a bamboo basket. This is by far the best thing I have sunk my teeth into and its totally recommended. The peanuts they served were refilled. A bowl of chicken noodles followed, which we shared. We  were already full, so it was a good idea not to order a plate each. The beer pints cost us Rs. 140 each and the meal at The Monk came to Rs 1100. This is ok to do once in a while, but there has to be another way to beat this heat.

Beer and dimsums!

The hot, diabolical Delhi weather layered with scorching angst at work was burning us out. We would either explode with expletives or could cool it off elsewhere. Since we like to think of ourselves as grown up mature people, we decided not to create a nuisance by cribbing about things outside our control. At noon, we had a better idea to get lunch from somewhere else, away from the workplace. There's a really nice place in Gurgaon called The Monk, part of the Galaxy hotel next to 32nd Milestone- a family resort on National Highway 8.
On our way, we picked up two pints of the grainy, natural tasting Hoegaarden. It was more of my colleague's favorite than mine. But now after 3 pints over the last torturous, 45 degrees celsius+ week, I'm just beginning to see hope in beer.

We reached The Monk at lunch time, so all the seats were taken. Since we were clearly not on a date, we decided to take the bar seats, facing the kitchen. We ordered something called the 7 spices dim sums- 6 pieces served in a bamboo basket. This is by far the best thing I have sunk my teeth into and its totally recommended. The peanuts they served were refilled. A bowl of chicken noodles followed, which we shared. We  were already full, so it was a good idea not to order a plate each. The beer pints cost us Rs. 140 each and the meal at The Monk came to Rs 1100. This is ok to do once in a while, but there has to be another way to beat this heat.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Long, difficult and vexing sentences

Today’s written communication demands that we write simply to get our message across to our intended recipients, and therefore make an effective call for action. Difficult words are sneered upon and writers are reprimanded for unnecessarily intellectualizing their material. This recursive dumbing down takes the pleasure out of indulging in usage. For six years between March 2004 until May 2010, I was blogging on this page also- Looking at the posts, it should be obvious I wasn’t looking for eager or instant responses. I would look up the 'Word of the Day' on and form one sentence with the words posted in the previous 10 days. These sentences are complex, and the self-imposed challenge was to form one sentence with at least 10 difficult words. Here’s the entire set of 35 sentences concocted over a span of 6 years.
I love you
After a deliberate analysis of our relationship that spans an unchallenged empyreal state of mind (sometimes futilitarian), extemporised plans of action, euphoric contrails after parting from our meetings compared to my sublunary day otherwise, resolving to be a better man, I've reconciled to the conclusion that my life would be nullified without your presence in it.
In short - I love you.
Depart from yeasty navel-gazing and artifice; least we are amerced for the defalcations of luscious dreams of promethean goals and left to repine for substantive time lost.
Given half a chance I would frog-march colloguing puerile hangers-on, but I display a clement side of myself, spinning paeans in great alacrity, seldom repine; asking for nothing more than a sward in this frowsy tatterdemalion terrain of soi-disant nonpartisan assemblage.
Make not my introduction too prolix and dragoon young minds with hebetude, else a golem of ineffable and undulant sentiments are most likely to show up for an audience!
Indagate and extricate, and not aggress and conglobate; what is exoteric, when being castigated with the gauche to see the red herrings and lacunae in apparently fastidious processes.
reifying litotes
Boggart me not into trichotillomania with your indurate alembic by refuting Occam's razor for the simplest of things by lionizing  a morass of a nemiety of irrelevance, for I prefer the conscientious over the peregrine.
The rambunctious yet ubiquitous lot met and confabulated after a decade at an event that fell into desuetude, and age seemed not to have attenuated their minatory naunces amidst the victuals of the bygone era.
extirpate dyspeptic quislings
Indomitable as they may appear, tolerate not sycophants, who cavil with gibberish fraught with ulterior motives- antithetical to your panoptic and sagacious perspective.
this sludge-grogery
Rescue us from the whammy of rebarbative effusings from overweening entrants exiting nonage adopting perfunctory routines which can lead to an underwhelming ambience goading us, rutilant, and glancing at the skies with longanimity, praying for a deus ex machina to intervene and salvage this futile drudgery- this sludge!
jaunty chimera
An offsite is always an effective nostrum in an interstice in work after much enveighing, and bucolic Goa (no ersatz for it) was a perfect milieu for concomitant diablerie from everyone with it's panoply of fun-filled events!
Ostensible Fanfaronade
Refute if you must if you find this tetchy; but I would remain pervicaciously insouciant in my vexing usage in this little vernissage of mine and shall show no promise of surcease of this arcane hobby.
Be solicitous; for despite my commodious heart, maybe not to my delectation, I'd say it was unfortuitous that my dexterous confrere should insuperably pontificate in mimesis, picaresque, yet orotund quotes, and invite visceral reactions from the camaraderie.

Desiccated but dauntless, she decided to oppugn his sempiternal inflictions with ad hoc measures and yet retain her mellifluous, immaculate self; determined not to succumb to constellating thoughts and unprepossessing perceptions from those around.

Find this hortative, but expiate nevertheless for your esoteric bricolage that stonewalls all protocols of easy communication  which is nothing more than a travesty of what's actually in your dilettante head and not a sedulous student of grammar and usage, if you don't mind the peccadillo, you obstinate misanthrope.

Despite the mordant and eolian effect of time in our mien, we shelve our disparate yet sedulous perspectives and congregate at an olfactory location, 'Flavors' sometimes- under the Moolchand flyover, not to cerebrate but to reminisce of ITGO, the nidus of our madness, which at times sparks a risorgimento for adventure and seeking, instigating us to plan yet another trip out of town.
stentorian whispers

Though I consider plans sancrosanct, most of my milestones have, ab initio accrued from decisions made in a state of carpe diem, without cunctation, and have orchidaceously been acquisitive for other syncretisms of life- not that I intend to adduce meliorism of any sort nor lugubriously lament on my deviations, but the undulated spontaneity has been the leitmotif, theriac if I may, that has coaxed me to move on.
doggeral fiasco

the more we ostentatiously indulge in inesculent and anfractuous usage, the more we disparage and so invite scurrilous effusings and saltation from even the phlegmatic ones around.
Seeds for Kaizen

I wouldn't wheedle out of contretemps which could redound to the team's persona nor take umbrage at inimical persiflage- rather contain my ebullience against splenetic dispositions and clinically, with deference, steer the predicament to an apt finale.

my stay lasted through the belle epoque and since the brilliant kapellmeister left to hand over the reins to a bogus heir and yahoos, malversation has scumbled the work culture. 

deploy utile skillsets on terra firma like an obsequious servant and do that with elan and mayhap the effulgence could alleviate disgruntlement.

At the zenith of one's brilliance, making flippant remarks from cerebral detritus devoid of any praxis could only betray nescience leading to quietus in major activities, skulking away to hunting about for vulnerary talk and temporising to throw your nemesis off-track.
jejune telegraphese harangue

From a piabald accumulation of ambitions to ponder over, I still wouldn't feel expropriated or change things if I could start ab ovo, but I think I would be an auto mechanic or at least an auto-artist if not scripting anti-establishment diatribes deriding imperialistic monpolisers; equivocally speaking.
shrive of politesse

Not that I intend to sound disparaging, but just in case you consider your verbal riposte and apophasis as a panacea to your teams's performance and internal chemistry which is far from copacetic, I recommend you let go of misbegotten notions and direct your celerity to salvage team morale which is in shambles.


"Why bloviate sophomorically?" he glowered while yawping."Can't you use simple words well within the ken of our target audience?"
"Well," said I in an oracular tone,"just leveraging upon the prowess of articulation to indoctrinate our mission statement and pedestal our eclectic portfolio."
"Alright then, you misanthrope, but do police extraneous or any capricious usage whatsoever. You have a yen to gorgonize readers with your verbose style. Don't you turn a proposal into something of much consternation."

as i devoured the pages edaciously, i resiled to a sedate frame of mind, aborning new ideas, nascent, embryonic; troglodyte to my immediate surroundings; no more oracular to anything, much as i may would like to, as my new learnings would undergird new thoughts, ramifying to all nooks of the gargantuan abyss of my imagination.
motley expulsions

Under the tutelage of my basic drawings teacher, of the same cadre, I have learnt not to ululate in times of despair or resort to billingsgate since the aleatory nature of life have taught me to withstand  the visissitudes of events that weather me; though my expulsions may appear desultory, motley and surely not placid.

The emancipation of the soul is initiated amongst friends being able to gauge the gamut of one's angst and obviate effusions and efficacious philosophies; thanks to our proclivity to having a tendentious opinion of a life of melancholy.
I must venture out on this trenchant emprise and expect a high incidence of world know-how; per contra, things are too easy and I placate the self within the sinecure of home.
in limbo

Exiting the hermitage, one had to perpend and celebrations had to be put in abeyance in light of the cataclysm in mutitudinous communities. Maldroit experts who were aware of the event in sub rosa and could not salvage the situation that could have been contained to a certain extent, have been dilatory about the inundation that has eventuated. Frenetic effusings in media result in no squib on the tregedy or feigned empathies from close quarters cannot succor us to circumvent the calamity.
slake in purlieu

After effusing much encomium for M C Eicher's phantasmagoria, I was elevated from my diffident and trepid phase to a superjacent level where I parted from tergiversation of expression; allowing an argosy of inveterate collages much ensconced in the attic of an itinerant graphic artist.
 eureka! a nexus!

An ardous task as it may appear to be, in search of expanding one's epistemic perimeter, one has to detach from whilom achievements and cerebral purlieu that blandish us from advancing and to keeps us from turning into a nebbish denizen of the past that wistfully revels in nostalgia and resorts to chicanery.
retaining quiddity

Despite being generally imperturbable and  maintaining a rectitudinous self through a jungle of disparaging durations, I transmogrified into a froward, precocial entity I would abjure normally which would tantamount to one of a stolid outlook repudiating all aspersions of a liminal persona bruited about; with no sight of a mea culpa accrued xenophobically.
svelte alibi

I'm looking forward to the day when I can expunge this mundane routine of mine from my life, abnegate the luxuries of this cushy job made up of pecuniary favors and acquiesce with companionable nods like a milquetoast, for this is misprison of my perception of life to justify inert impuissance, endorsing my fallibility with impunity galore and abstrusive clerisy.
abstruse simulacrum

Overcome with hubris, risking solecism in a festinate attempt, I conjured an abstruse collage of words to stump amenable blog readers; unless ofcourse, their hypermnesia can retrodict that my pertinacious attempt of usage is a mere simulacrum of April's daily words on; enough to deserve being disseised of usage and subjected to incarceration.
a surfeit of jabberwocky!

I spent this fecund day by learning a few new words, reading a book and and revising my french; by far the least vapid of holidays I've had in a long time, flagging an epoch for personal development with sesquipedalian intentions!

It shall be in the state of inebriety that our passible selves will osculate with the eximious details of life; concerning love and good friends. These contemplations are apodictic and seldom bloviated, almost visceral but surely ameliorated with equally convivial company!
Grandiloquent Indulgence

I have to be more considerate; in general. Perpetually nostalgic of the erudite leadership of a previous manager who quit, I seem to expel an eristic air and elliptical replies to irrelevant blabber from my scrofulous colleague (Senator Glutus Maximus himself) who I'd idoneously recapitulate as a sciolist. They are intolerable and my desire to be holophrastic, inevitable. Enough.

Long, difficult and vexing sentences

Today’s written communication demands that we write simply to get our message across to our intended recipients, and therefore make an effective call for action. Difficult words are sneered upon and writers are reprimanded for unnecessarily intellectualizing their material. This recursive dumbing down takes the pleasure out of indulging in usage. For six years between March 2004 until May 2010, I was blogging on this page also- Looking at the posts, it should be obvious I wasn’t looking for eager or instant responses. I would look up the 'Word of the Day' on and form one sentence with the words posted in the previous 10 days. These sentences are complex, and the self-imposed challenge was to form one sentence with at least 10 difficult words. Here’s the entire set of 35 sentences concocted over a span of 6 years.
I love you
After a deliberate analysis of our relationship that spans an unchallenged empyreal state of mind (sometimes futilitarian), extemporised plans of action, euphoric contrails after parting from our meetings compared to my sublunary day otherwise, resolving to be a better man, I've reconciled to the conclusion that my life would be nullified without your presence in it.
In short - I love you.
Depart from yeasty navel-gazing and artifice; least we are amerced for the defalcations of luscious dreams of promethean goals and left to repine for substantive time lost.
Given half a chance I would frog-march colloguing puerile hangers-on, but I display a clement side of myself, spinning paeans in great alacrity, seldom repine; asking for nothing more than a sward in this frowsy tatterdemalion terrain of soi-disant nonpartisan assemblage.
Make not my introduction too prolix and dragoon young minds with hebetude, else a golem of ineffable and undulant sentiments are most likely to show up for an audience!
Indagate and extricate, and not aggress and conglobate; what is exoteric, when being castigated with the gauche to see the red herrings and lacunae in apparently fastidious processes.
reifying litotes
Boggart me not into trichotillomania with your indurate alembic by refuting Occam's razor for the simplest of things by lionizing  a morass of a nemiety of irrelevance, for I prefer the conscientious over the peregrine.
The rambunctious yet ubiquitous lot met and confabulated after a decade at an event that fell into desuetude, and age seemed not to have attenuated their minatory naunces amidst the victuals of the bygone era.
extirpate dyspeptic quislings
Indomitable as they may appear, tolerate not sycophants, who cavil with gibberish fraught with ulterior motives- antithetical to your panoptic and sagacious perspective.
this sludge-grogery
Rescue us from the whammy of rebarbative effusings from overweening entrants exiting nonage adopting perfunctory routines which can lead to an underwhelming ambience goading us, rutilant, and glancing at the skies with longanimity, praying for a deus ex machina to intervene and salvage this futile drudgery- this sludge!
jaunty chimera
An offsite is always an effective nostrum in an interstice in work after much enveighing, and bucolic Goa (no ersatz for it) was a perfect milieu for concomitant diablerie from everyone with it's panoply of fun-filled events!
Ostensible Fanfaronade
Refute if you must if you find this tetchy; but I would remain pervicaciously insouciant in my vexing usage in this little vernissage of mine and shall show no promise of surcease of this arcane hobby.
Be solicitous; for despite my commodious heart, maybe not to my delectation, I'd say it was unfortuitous that my dexterous confrere should insuperably pontificate in mimesis, picaresque, yet orotund quotes, and invite visceral reactions from the camaraderie.

Desiccated but dauntless, she decided to oppugn his sempiternal inflictions with ad hoc measures and yet retain her mellifluous, immaculate self; determined not to succumb to constellating thoughts and unprepossessing perceptions from those around.

Find this hortative, but expiate nevertheless for your esoteric bricolage that stonewalls all protocols of easy communication  which is nothing more than a travesty of what's actually in your dilettante head and not a sedulous student of grammar and usage, if you don't mind the peccadillo, you obstinate misanthrope.

Despite the mordant and eolian effect of time in our mien, we shelve our disparate yet sedulous perspectives and congregate at an olfactory location, 'Flavors' sometimes- under the Moolchand flyover, not to cerebrate but to reminisce of ITGO, the nidus of our madness, which at times sparks a risorgimento for adventure and seeking, instigating us to plan yet another trip out of town.
stentorian whispers

Though I consider plans sancrosanct, most of my milestones have, ab initio accrued from decisions made in a state of carpe diem, without cunctation, and have orchidaceously been acquisitive for other syncretisms of life- not that I intend to adduce meliorism of any sort nor lugubriously lament on my deviations, but the undulated spontaneity has been the leitmotif, theriac if I may, that has coaxed me to move on.
doggeral fiasco

the more we ostentatiously indulge in inesculent and anfractuous usage, the more we disparage and so invite scurrilous effusings and saltation from even the phlegmatic ones around.
Seeds for Kaizen

I wouldn't wheedle out of contretemps which could redound to the team's persona nor take umbrage at inimical persiflage- rather contain my ebullience against splenetic dispositions and clinically, with deference, steer the predicament to an apt finale.

my stay lasted through the belle epoque and since the brilliant kapellmeister left to hand over the reins to a bogus heir and yahoos, malversation has scumbled the work culture. 

deploy utile skillsets on terra firma like an obsequious servant and do that with elan and mayhap the effulgence could alleviate disgruntlement.

At the zenith of one's brilliance, making flippant remarks from cerebral detritus devoid of any praxis could only betray nescience leading to quietus in major activities, skulking away to hunting about for vulnerary talk and temporising to throw your nemesis off-track.
jejune telegraphese harangue

From a piabald accumulation of ambitions to ponder over, I still wouldn't feel expropriated or change things if I could start ab ovo, but I think I would be an auto mechanic or at least an auto-artist if not scripting anti-establishment diatribes deriding imperialistic monpolisers; equivocally speaking.
shrive of politesse

Not that I intend to sound disparaging, but just in case you consider your verbal riposte and apophasis as a panacea to your teams's performance and internal chemistry which is far from copacetic, I recommend you let go of misbegotten notions and direct your celerity to salvage team morale which is in shambles.


"Why bloviate sophomorically?" he glowered while yawping."Can't you use simple words well within the ken of our target audience?"
"Well," said I in an oracular tone,"just leveraging upon the prowess of articulation to indoctrinate our mission statement and pedestal our eclectic portfolio."
"Alright then, you misanthrope, but do police extraneous or any capricious usage whatsoever. You have a yen to gorgonize readers with your verbose style. Don't you turn a proposal into something of much consternation."

as i devoured the pages edaciously, i resiled to a sedate frame of mind, aborning new ideas, nascent, embryonic; troglodyte to my immediate surroundings; no more oracular to anything, much as i may would like to, as my new learnings would undergird new thoughts, ramifying to all nooks of the gargantuan abyss of my imagination.
motley expulsions

Under the tutelage of my basic drawings teacher, of the same cadre, I have learnt not to ululate in times of despair or resort to billingsgate since the aleatory nature of life have taught me to withstand  the visissitudes of events that weather me; though my expulsions may appear desultory, motley and surely not placid.

The emancipation of the soul is initiated amongst friends being able to gauge the gamut of one's angst and obviate effusions and efficacious philosophies; thanks to our proclivity to having a tendentious opinion of a life of melancholy.
I must venture out on this trenchant emprise and expect a high incidence of world know-how; per contra, things are too easy and I placate the self within the sinecure of home.
in limbo

Exiting the hermitage, one had to perpend and celebrations had to be put in abeyance in light of the cataclysm in mutitudinous communities. Maldroit experts who were aware of the event in sub rosa and could not salvage the situation that could have been contained to a certain extent, have been dilatory about the inundation that has eventuated. Frenetic effusings in media result in no squib on the tregedy or feigned empathies from close quarters cannot succor us to circumvent the calamity.
slake in purlieu

After effusing much encomium for M C Eicher's phantasmagoria, I was elevated from my diffident and trepid phase to a superjacent level where I parted from tergiversation of expression; allowing an argosy of inveterate collages much ensconced in the attic of an itinerant graphic artist.
 eureka! a nexus!

An ardous task as it may appear to be, in search of expanding one's epistemic perimeter, one has to detach from whilom achievements and cerebral purlieu that blandish us from advancing and to keeps us from turning into a nebbish denizen of the past that wistfully revels in nostalgia and resorts to chicanery.
retaining quiddity

Despite being generally imperturbable and  maintaining a rectitudinous self through a jungle of disparaging durations, I transmogrified into a froward, precocial entity I would abjure normally which would tantamount to one of a stolid outlook repudiating all aspersions of a liminal persona bruited about; with no sight of a mea culpa accrued xenophobically.
svelte alibi

I'm looking forward to the day when I can expunge this mundane routine of mine from my life, abnegate the luxuries of this cushy job made up of pecuniary favors and acquiesce with companionable nods like a milquetoast, for this is misprison of my perception of life to justify inert impuissance, endorsing my fallibility with impunity galore and abstrusive clerisy.
abstruse simulacrum

Overcome with hubris, risking solecism in a festinate attempt, I conjured an abstruse collage of words to stump amenable blog readers; unless ofcourse, their hypermnesia can retrodict that my pertinacious attempt of usage is a mere simulacrum of April's daily words on; enough to deserve being disseised of usage and subjected to incarceration.
a surfeit of jabberwocky!

I spent this fecund day by learning a few new words, reading a book and and revising my french; by far the least vapid of holidays I've had in a long time, flagging an epoch for personal development with sesquipedalian intentions!

It shall be in the state of inebriety that our passible selves will osculate with the eximious details of life; concerning love and good friends. These contemplations are apodictic and seldom bloviated, almost visceral but surely ameliorated with equally convivial company!
Grandiloquent Indulgence

I have to be more considerate; in general. Perpetually nostalgic of the erudite leadership of a previous manager who quit, I seem to expel an eristic air and elliptical replies to irrelevant blabber from my scrofulous colleague (Senator Glutus Maximus himself) who I'd idoneously recapitulate as a sciolist. They are intolerable and my desire to be holophrastic, inevitable. Enough.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Angst for no reason

Its one of those days when I must express as much as I can; albeit for no obvious or visible reason. Call this a phase, but there are times when I get hassled when life is too easy. What sparks these thoughts can be as seemingly insignificant as an urchin trying to sell you something, a song that plays somewhere, or a casual remark people make. This blog’s title is from Pearl Jam's song 'Light Years'. I heard this piece on the way to work on a bland Monday morning. Something about the song made me want to read the lyrics before my day started. Sometimes, a song sparks something. We find inspiration in our run-of-the-mill day from what we hear with a guitar strum or, just the way the it’s sung. For that matter, anything sung by Eddie Vedder is intriguing. Now here’s the line that got me good-
We were but stones, your light made us stars.
It’s not a love song, and that made my day better already. It could be a tribute to a lost friend or teacher, or someone who just made you a better person. Where did that part of me go? I used to listen to so much music. Are musicians today sponsored by corporates provided they don’t sing against the establishment? Where are songs that question our existence? Is this the matrix we are living in, created by governments and corporations, designed to keep you brain-dead, cyclically spending your income in malls and advertised products? Being a marketing professional, I should be on the other side, defending the consumerist’s propaganda.

A fiery molten angst boiled from inside of me, crying out loud for losing out on precious time when more substantial things could have been done. Yes, this is the start of some serious reaction from a soul that killed itself. I had a dream of a spontaneous act- hiring a Royal Enfield motorcycle- the only brand I will mention in my message, because it refuses to alter from the image it created in a long gone past. It’s only message is ‘trip’. It survives in an age of better technology and marketing gimmicks. There was a time in my younger days when I swore I would own that thing the day I had that money. But I never did. That would have been a free me- in Ladakh or the hills somewhere or a village, eating with the people, discussing their lives, if not trying hard to solve anything, playing local street games, listening to children about their perception of the world. Instead, I am here, typing away to release this steam, amongst singing smart phones and other career minded machines working in silos. I am this short of standing up and screaming. But that will not create a solution, or even a mirage of what to do. There’s something that needs to be sorted out.
A city, country or community that has brilliant people running its corporations but is brain dead about its basic people issues is a post-apocalyptic ruin already, with zombies controlled by messages on the radio and billboards. That’s a death in the making.
I die every day. Today, my colleague and I discussed how to keep people from stealing our chairs. ‘I am going to paste a label with my name on it.’ So there. The other activity that we all indulge in- how to reserve the non-vegetarian meals in the cafeteria, that race we love running. The day is peppered with these vague acts, like rats in a sewer. Yes we do get some ‘work’ done. I like to think I put my creativity to some use, but with a constant question on why and where that will lead to. Why do we allow ourselves to live like this? It’s one thing if I am not capable of anything else. But when I am, then this is nothing short of sin to continue doing this.
Someone tells me that one way to avoid such self-inflicted torture is to break the mundane routine. Do something else, do different things with different people. But the basis of this angst does not go away.
I find inspiration from other people who are out there attempting difficult things. I admire them because they are out of their comfort zones. They are following a passion, being entrepreneurial, taking risks and ownership of what happens to their lives.
Consuming less is on the frontier. I aspire to create content and not just consume it. We have enough tech devices around us to consume content like surfing the internet, download apps, music and movies. But why do we not create? I vow to create more than I consume. Be it an angsty post and sketch like this one. I will write more to decipher and deconstruct this mould I live in, maybe extend it to do more. I want to inspire others as well. I want to consume less, even otherwise- be it food or resources. I rather be that skinny steam engine driver, with an eye on the landscape ahead, instead of the fat passenger waiting for his dessert in the luxury coach.
I feel my life is at its best when I travel, walk the streets of unknown places and talk to local people. I am on the verge of getting over owning stuff. That’s another thing about owning things. There’s so much one can do with owning gadgets, cars and real estate. These things mean nothing if one does not know what to do with these things. People who spend a lifetime trying to own stuff end of sad and depressed. Happier is the man who creates from his bare hands and shares the knowledge. A true creator will see sustainable happiness in what he creates, and will destroy anything that means nothing or offers nothing for the future.
‘Push an initiative every Monday’ is a graphic that sits on my desktop. Make the day meaningful. Do something for your colleagues or communities that need not work towards your performance evaluation. Give a part of your efforts away. It will become something, someday.

Angst for no reason

Its one of those days when I must express as much as I can; albeit for no obvious or visible reason. Call this a phase, but there are times when I get hassled when life is too easy. What sparks these thoughts can be as seemingly insignificant as an urchin trying to sell you something, a song that plays somewhere, or a casual remark people make. This blog’s title is from Pearl Jam's song 'Light Years'. I heard this piece on the way to work on a bland Monday morning. Something about the song made me want to read the lyrics before my day started. Sometimes, a song sparks something. We find inspiration in our run-of-the-mill day from what we hear with a guitar strum or, just the way the it’s sung. For that matter, anything sung by Eddie Vedder is intriguing. Now here’s the line that got me good-
We were but stones, your light made us stars.
It’s not a love song, and that made my day better already. It could be a tribute to a lost friend or teacher, or someone who just made you a better person. Where did that part of me go? I used to listen to so much music. Are musicians today sponsored by corporates provided they don’t sing against the establishment? Where are songs that question our existence? Is this the matrix we are living in, created by governments and corporations, designed to keep you brain-dead, cyclically spending your income in malls and advertised products? Being a marketing professional, I should be on the other side, defending the consumerist’s propaganda.

A fiery molten angst boiled from inside of me, crying out loud for losing out on precious time when more substantial things could have been done. Yes, this is the start of some serious reaction from a soul that killed itself. I had a dream of a spontaneous act- hiring a Royal Enfield motorcycle- the only brand I will mention in my message, because it refuses to alter from the image it created in a long gone past. It’s only message is ‘trip’. It survives in an age of better technology and marketing gimmicks. There was a time in my younger days when I swore I would own that thing the day I had that money. But I never did. That would have been a free me- in Ladakh or the hills somewhere or a village, eating with the people, discussing their lives, if not trying hard to solve anything, playing local street games, listening to children about their perception of the world. Instead, I am here, typing away to release this steam, amongst singing smart phones and other career minded machines working in silos. I am this short of standing up and screaming. But that will not create a solution, or even a mirage of what to do. There’s something that needs to be sorted out.
A city, country or community that has brilliant people running its corporations but is brain dead about its basic people issues is a post-apocalyptic ruin already, with zombies controlled by messages on the radio and billboards. That’s a death in the making.
I die every day. Today, my colleague and I discussed how to keep people from stealing our chairs. ‘I am going to paste a label with my name on it.’ So there. The other activity that we all indulge in- how to reserve the non-vegetarian meals in the cafeteria, that race we love running. The day is peppered with these vague acts, like rats in a sewer. Yes we do get some ‘work’ done. I like to think I put my creativity to some use, but with a constant question on why and where that will lead to. Why do we allow ourselves to live like this? It’s one thing if I am not capable of anything else. But when I am, then this is nothing short of sin to continue doing this.
Someone tells me that one way to avoid such self-inflicted torture is to break the mundane routine. Do something else, do different things with different people. But the basis of this angst does not go away.
I find inspiration from other people who are out there attempting difficult things. I admire them because they are out of their comfort zones. They are following a passion, being entrepreneurial, taking risks and ownership of what happens to their lives.
Consuming less is on the frontier. I aspire to create content and not just consume it. We have enough tech devices around us to consume content like surfing the internet, download apps, music and movies. But why do we not create? I vow to create more than I consume. Be it an angsty post and sketch like this one. I will write more to decipher and deconstruct this mould I live in, maybe extend it to do more. I want to inspire others as well. I want to consume less, even otherwise- be it food or resources. I rather be that skinny steam engine driver, with an eye on the landscape ahead, instead of the fat passenger waiting for his dessert in the luxury coach.
I feel my life is at its best when I travel, walk the streets of unknown places and talk to local people. I am on the verge of getting over owning stuff. That’s another thing about owning things. There’s so much one can do with owning gadgets, cars and real estate. These things mean nothing if one does not know what to do with these things. People who spend a lifetime trying to own stuff end of sad and depressed. Happier is the man who creates from his bare hands and shares the knowledge. A true creator will see sustainable happiness in what he creates, and will destroy anything that means nothing or offers nothing for the future.
‘Push an initiative every Monday’ is a graphic that sits on my desktop. Make the day meaningful. Do something for your colleagues or communities that need not work towards your performance evaluation. Give a part of your efforts away. It will become something, someday.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Corporate communications and Marketing folks think and write differently

There's a common misconception that needs to be addressed just in case you didn't see the difference. We tend to assume that anyone who has writing skills to address the masses can do both jobs- of Marketing as well as Corporate communications. So wrong! Corp comm people are different from Marketing folks simply because of the kind of functions they both handle and the purpose for which they write. Both possess the ability to write for the masses. Its the demeanor, style and approach they differ in.
Writing for Marketing material needs the creative jazz from magical mavericks. Conceptualizing and execution of ideas is the forte of people who have the ability to create a need, or lust factor for a product. The hyperactive, flamboyant marketing guys do not think in a straight-jacketed way and are always looking out for what's out there, what's exciting and engaging. There is a constant need to create a Unique Selling Proposition. There is a certain willingness to take risks and they want to work with new and various possibilities. They have an eye on competition, are constantly aware of the media, want to know what the other guys are doing, and how to beat their campaign some way.

Corp communications requires its writing to be as close as possible to the organization's voice, with least selling intent or jazz- to its stakeholders- its clients and employees. There is lesser scope for deviating from the tone and language of the company. The expressions and messages of the leadership to its people have to reflect in the writing style. They need to stick to facts and have to be careful not to go overboard. What they say in the public domain, or to its employees can be held against them with more severity. This writing style is for a more serious forum. Corporate communications does not attempt to sell or market anything.

So next time you think your Corp comm guy is not sending you exciting stuff or the Marketing guys are on a constant high when it comes to standard serious messaging, that's because they are attempting the others' work!

People with the same skillset excel in different areas of specialization, and we see that all around. Not all creative people fit in advertising and not all film makers can make ads. Even amongst painters, not all painters can do portraits or landscapes. They may be exceptionally great abstract painters. Unless one is capable of wearing many hats, but that's an exception.

Corporate communications and Marketing folks think and write differently

There's a common misconception that needs to be addressed just in case you didn't see the difference. We tend to assume that anyone who has writing skills to address the masses can do both jobs- of Marketing as well as Corporate communications. So wrong! Corp comm people are different from Marketing folks simply because of the kind of functions they both handle and the purpose for which they write. Both possess the ability to write for the masses. Its the demeanor, style and approach they differ in.
Writing for Marketing material needs the creative jazz from magical mavericks. Conceptualizing and execution of ideas is the forte of people who have the ability to create a need, or lust factor for a product. The hyperactive, flamboyant marketing guys do not think in a straight-jacketed way and are always looking out for what's out there, what's exciting and engaging. There is a constant need to create a Unique Selling Proposition. There is a certain willingness to take risks and they want to work with new and various possibilities. They have an eye on competition, are constantly aware of the media, want to know what the other guys are doing, and how to beat their campaign some way.

Corp communications requires its writing to be as close as possible to the organization's voice, with least selling intent or jazz- to its stakeholders- its clients and employees. There is lesser scope for deviating from the tone and language of the company. The expressions and messages of the leadership to its people have to reflect in the writing style. They need to stick to facts and have to be careful not to go overboard. What they say in the public domain, or to its employees can be held against them with more severity. This writing style is for a more serious forum. Corporate communications does not attempt to sell or market anything.

So next time you think your Corp comm guy is not sending you exciting stuff or the Marketing guys are on a constant high when it comes to standard serious messaging, that's because they are attempting the others' work!

People with the same skillset excel in different areas of specialization, and we see that all around. Not all creative people fit in advertising and not all film makers can make ads. Even amongst painters, not all painters can do portraits or landscapes. They may be exceptionally great abstract painters. Unless one is capable of wearing many hats, but that's an exception.

Wordpress it is!

I have moved to Wordpress. After much introspection and discussion on what Blogger and Wordpress are capable of, I figured a one-stop shop...