There was this surreal experience, experienced on a sultry Saturday noon, when I was driving back home and had to speak with my wife. I had the radio on all that time. And radio, goes without saying, is more about ads and talkative RJs than music. Coming back to my call with my wife, I decided to use the car speakers for the audio and hooked up my phone via the car USB. I randomly pressed the USB/AUX button thinking the car speaker would amplify the call- which did not work. After the phone call was over, the car goes back to the songs. Now here’s what happened- the car stereo connected with my phone songs and started playing them, without firing up the iTunes app on the phone. Not realizing what happened, I was listening to songs belting off my phone thinking the radio was playing it. Oh man, o man… what a dreamlike moment that was. Here I am wondering what an awesome day it was with radio doing an about-turn with no ads or RJ nonsense, and my kind of music playing for the world to listen to. Steve Winwood, The Beatles, Train… What station was this? That’s when I looked at the display which read… ‘iPod’... and poof! Of course dammit.. what was I t h i n k i n g ? !
A few minutes later I spotted something really surreal and had to get photos of this- colourful stones on sale, all the way from Gujarat! Here’s what the assortment looked like.
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