Thursday, April 14, 2011

One line news...

Today's news in one sentence- on BR Ambedkar's 120th birth anniv, Ratan Tata said that he nearly got married 4 times while the sensex shot up 434 points with record 80% turnout in TN elections as Paul Valthaty blasted 120 runs of 63 IPL balls while kids in boston will learn their ABCs on ipads not crayons!
In these days of one liners and quick messaging, how would you summarize the day's news, and make it fun to read? Here's a shot! Cheers and have a great day!


  1. surreal. awesome karry!

  2. And your one liner business news- Richard Branson to serve as a stewardess on board Air Asia X after losing a grand prix bet with the airlines founder while it was discovered that judges serve a less harsh verdict post lunch as the Munjals took home a cool 730cr as dividend income along with Pamela Anderson asking China to ban seal meat with India's lichi output up by 15%! Makes sense right??


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