She stood there, waiting for me to leave. And there was this thought in my head brimming over to reach my mouth.
'Want to come along?'
I smiled a smile I know can knock the socks off any woman.
'Go away'.
It didn't work. Ouch.
The machine cranked in. I pretended to think about the engine sounds but one half of my mind was waiting for her to change her mind.
'Or you could...'
She was gone.
My body and mind synced with the thump of the beast. The sudden change in weather brought in the ocean breeze that blew in a radical change in my perception of the day. I needed to so badly free myself from something; that had turned me into someone I never wanted to be. If I can unshackle myself from that element, I can make a headstart somewhere. Why am I so dependent on an event to change my life? Why can't I just decide to do something and just go ahead and act on my plans?
I rocketed onto the highway with a heavy head. I was just beginning to enjoy the cool breeze when my phone rang. Had to pull over.
'Needed a website designed and wanted to know if you could..'
I passed on the job to someone who did that much better than I did, tucked in the gadget and rode on.
The thing rang again. Hold... hold...
'Dude, I need designers for...'
Hoping someone benefited from my reply, I blasted on. I could feel the raw end of the nerves in my head now.
Suddenly, I had an agenda. My eyes narrowed as I detoured towards the altitudes.