Monday, June 26, 2006


saw samsara... whoever made that flick nailed the message home... and hard!


  1. Yeah, watched it long back. i specially remember the last couple of scenes where Christy Chungs character raises a very valid point, that, everyone worships Budhdha, no one thinks of or talks about his wife who he left. Isn't her sacrifice worth worshipping?

    I dont understand why films take so long to get released here...

  2. With women getting assertive the way they are these days, I guess we're looking at a society where whatever a woman let's go will soon be pedestalled equally and taken into account (in a court of law at least). But sadly nothing's changed in rural India.

    The movie comes here at the same pace as empathy for these issues. Sad but true (this flick was made in 2001).

  3. Yeah i know, i watched it then, in Singapore. I was quite taken in by the concept... especially the womans point of view. Seriously, at the risk of sounding prejudiced, men are a selfish lot. :P

    Budhdha was too... he had his own logic/reason. But selfish nevertheless... So was our very own Ram...

    Anyway, am happy, that it finally released here and seems to have gotten good reviews too...

  4. incidentally, da vinci code champions for the sacred female in the life of christ. the wave is evident in the arts but this tide needs to turn in real life also!


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