Friday, October 29, 2004

space, time and design

if the shelf life of a document is one year or more, then it makes sense to give it 2 months to design it, example, a coffee table book or novel. In a case where it's just 1 day or a week, like a concept note for a training, then it doesn't make sense to give it more than a day to design. Now let's talk about case number one :). This is when one can indulge in layouts colors, icons, fonts, pictures, continuation to the back page... oh love love love!


  1. are we evre going to see an new design for this blog ? :)

  2. This is a thought bank... I'm thinking I'll let it be :)


Wordpress it is!

I have moved to Wordpress. After much introspection and discussion on what Blogger and Wordpress are capable of, I figured a one-stop shop...