Its been 4 years since I completed a course in Lean Six Sigma with Benchmark. Apart from the course-ware, things we discussed in the class back then still hold strong.
We discussed the importance of setting up strong processes in particular; that enable success paths for companies. The stronger the process, the less we depend on particular talented individuals.
We discussed the importance of setting up strong processes in particular; that enable success paths for companies. The stronger the process, the less we depend on particular talented individuals.
Our faculty Mr Vishwadeep Khatri gave an example of China at the Olympics. China wins most medals, yet we do not hear of a particular superstar; like Micheal Phelps from US or Usain Bolt from Jamaica. That's because China's selection process enables more people to achieve their potential, thereby removing the dependence on a few talented individuals. This way, China wins over a period of many years and not just at a particular event or because of special talent.
The stronger the processes, the less we depend on individuals who may leave the company and bring the house down with them. So if you are a talented individual, then make others in your team as able as you are and let them go beyond. Create the culture wherein anyone can achieve more.
Very proud to be with Benchmark. Here's my spot there-