Finally bit the bullet and picked up the Canon 100mm Macro f/2.8 IS USM L. The damage comes to Rs.64,000. Got the local retailer to throw in a min tripod with the deal. I had to get cracking on it... you know the excitement that comes with a new lens! Took photos in the local residential park. The evening sun was right in the faces of the sunflowers and some bees went to work on them.
Macro photography is hard work. Despite sufficient light, I could not get a good shot very easily. Insects are tough subjects, but the most intriguing. Though I struggled in hand-held mode, it is best to carry a tripod for insect photography. Here goes-
Extreme closeup of a Lamy pen-
Macro photography is hard work. Despite sufficient light, I could not get a good shot very easily. Insects are tough subjects, but the most intriguing. Though I struggled in hand-held mode, it is best to carry a tripod for insect photography. Here goes-
Extreme closeup of a Lamy pen-
Close-up of a ten-Rupee coin-
Buffalo's nose-
Felt pen
Portrait of a bird- Gennie
5mm long insect on roadside weed-
Tree bark
Fork meets watermelon-